Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Watermelon Rosé Sorbet

Growing up in Texas, summer always meant eating watermelons. I never knew watermelons could be round, because we would always get giant 4 lb. oblong ones that were bigger than most dogs and many babies.

Now as an adult, summer means enjoying a glass of sparkling rosé wine. At parties or at brunch, it's always festive and refreshing.

Sorbets are easy to make, and many don't require an ice cream maker. The alcohol content of the rosé wine keeps the juice from freezing solid. Try freezing your favorite juice with a splash of liquor (not more than 1/2 a cup for 2 cups of freezable liquid). Then scrape the frozen juice with a fork until you end up with a fluffy flavored granita.

Here's how another blogger makes watermelon granita.

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